This Week 2011-Nov-17 Flag & Emblems

This week we will be looking into Boomerang Test number 6, the Symbols of Australia. Be prepared for a round of inter-six trivia, some art work and some games with flags!

Boomerang Test #6. Symbols of Australia
i.) Flags: Show you know the composition of the Australian Flag.
ii.) Emblems: Tell your leader of two places where you would see the Australian Coat of Arms.

i.) Flags: Describe the flag of your State or Territory and show an understanding of its components.
ii.) Emblems: Describe the emblem of your State or Territory and show an understanding of what it means.
iii.) Flora and Fauna: Name and describe your State or Territory flora and fauna emblems.

i.) Flags:
– Teach another Cub to correctly roll, hoist and break the Australian Flag.
– Show an understanding of the different ways of flying the flag, e.g. mourning, distress etc.
ii.) Emblems: reproduce the Australian Coat of Arms and explain the meaning of each emblem.
iii.) Flora and Fauna: Name and describe the floral emblem of Australia and why it was chosen.

Duty Six: Black
Leader: Akela

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